Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Colin Davidson, 29, Passes Away
Advanced-level eventer Colin Davidson, 29, passed away December 6th, after a one-car accident near his home in Charlottesville, Va. Davidson. Colin was an organ donor and his family decided to concede to his wishes. Originally from South Conway, N.H., competed through the four-star level on his horse Draco and was named to the 2010 U.S. Equestrian Federation’s Eventing Developing Rider List.
Collin was a friend of Professional’s Choice Vice President Michele Scott, and was hoped to be an endorsee for 2011. He will be missed by all of us at Professional’s Choice.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
A Beautiful Day
It is said that everyone will experience their fifteen minutes of fame, but more importantly, everyone should experience a moment where they feel truly loved. This moment of love came for me this weekend. Two months ago, I was involved in a life changing accident. To help pay for some of the medical bills and expenses, my friends decided to put on a Cowboy Challenge horse show and donate the proceeds to me. They even added in a silent auction to help raise a little extra money. To begin with, I was absolutely blown away by the number of items donated. I was expecting a few things here and there, but we received over 75 items, ranging from artwork, to stallion’s stud service, to Professional’s Choice items. Even before the week started, rain was forecasted for the weekend, and I was worried about the show. Practical advice suggested putting off the show to another day, but we had already purchased the food, paid the cattle fee, and the judges had donated their time, so there was simply no turning back. Everyone knows that real cowboys ride in the rain, and so could we. On Friday, the day before, it had started with a steady drizzle, we got countless calls asking if the show would go on. I spent the entire evening setting up the course and placing tarps to keep people sheltered from the rain. The morning of the show, I sat there terrified no one would come. Yes, it was not raining, but with only an hour until start time, only two trailers had pulled in. Then out of nowhere, the entire place filled up. People who I didn’t even know came out to have fun, and contribute to my cause. An even bigger miracle was that it poured rain everywhere in all of San Diego, except for right over my ranch. There was just a little off and on light drizzle all day, complete with pockets of sunshine. More than forty “cowboys” took the fun challenge, which had everything from jousting for rings, to pulling a log, to filling up a bucket of water from a well, all while riding for time. As soon as the show was over and pretty much everyone had packed up, the clouds opened up and rain suddenly came down in sheets. Overall, the day could not have gone better. Everyone had fun, some people earned beautiful belt buckles, and love poured like the rain throughout the day.
Thanks for Reading, Cassie
Friday, November 12, 2010
Al Dunning and VenTECH(tm) Elites
Al also loves our products! Check out this quote from his November newsletter, “Professional's Choice has a new, innovative boot that surpasses all of the previous ones that I have tried. The VenTECH Elite Sports Medicine Boot is amazing! They fit and conform to my horses' cannon bones well. They have a neoprene ventilation system, unlike the old, hot neoprene of the past. They provide maximum support and keep the dirt and sand out. I now use VenTECH boots on all my horses as a part of my show and day to day riding. ” You can subscribe to his newsletter and keep current on what Al is up to on his website . Our new VenTECH™ Elite boots are just one of many products which utilize our VenTECH™ technology. We have VenTECH™ in many of our boots, cinches, and girths; look out in 2011 for many new products featuring VenTECH™. VenTECH™ technology keeps your horse cool, comfortable, and performing at its best.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Loyalty is found in the heart
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Getting Back to the Wild West
Friday, August 20, 2010
Putting the Fun Back in Horse Shows
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
From Past to Present
When going through our archives, I found a really neat story that I had forgotten about from 1991. It was printed in the April 1991 issue of EQUUS. I decided to reprint it here. Hope you enjoy!
After waiting more than a year for one of his best show jumpers to recover from a suspensory-ligament injury, world-class rider and trainer Ian Millar was losing hope that his horse might ever be sound. "Our veterinarian gave us a guarded prognosis," he says. "He didn't think the horse could compete again."
So, when a distributor offered him a pair of Professional's Choice Sports Boots, Millar figured he had nothing to lose. He covered the horse's legs with the specially padded "shin and ankle" boots and began light training. Today, he reports, after a few months of working in the boots, the horse is returning to his old form and is resuming rigorous show-jumping training.
A coincidence? Perhaps. But upon hearing several similar reports from veterinarians and trainers who have used the boots on horses with bowed tendons and suspensory injuries, Professional's Choice enlisted two independent scientific researchers to conduct special studies of the new product. "We wanted to state facts and not make claims," says the company's president, Dal Scott. "We wanted to have answers." He adds that before being marketed in 1989, the Sports Medicine Boots had undergone extensive testing and field trial analysis, but the new projects would provide clinical evidence of how the boots work.
Initially developed at the requests of several reining-horse trainers, Sports Medicine Boots are designed to provide support without restricting flexibility. Covered by neoprene fabric, each boot features dense, foam rubber padding similar to that used in protective football equipment. To facilitate ease of application and provide a snug fit, four Velcro-brand straps, one of which hooks up under the fetlock for a "sling-effect," hold the boot in place on the horse's leg.
To conduct the additional scientific studies, Professional's Choice called on William Crawford, DMV, of the University of Wisconsin at Madison, and Calvin Kobluk, DMV, of the University of Minnesota. Crawford determined the boots' ability to absorb the energy produced when a horse's hoof hits the ground-a quality known as the bandage effectiveness- while Kobluk analyzed the product's effect on the equine gait.
Through a series of tests preformed under laboratory conditions and trial usage, Crawford determined that Sports Medicine Boots have a bandage effectiveness of 21.25 percent when they are brand new. (In contrast, standard galloping or polo wraps have bandage effectiveness of only six to ten percent.) Interestingly, after the boots had been worn through 20 hours of exercise, their energy-absorption rose to 24.56 percent. According to Crawford, the increase is likely due to the fact that the boot gradually conforms to the shape of the horse's leg, allowing it to more efficiently absorb energy.
Based on the results of his study, Crawford says that Sports Medicine Boots "provide very high levels of energy absorption which will help to prevent injuries associated with hyperextension of the fetlock." He adds that horses recovering from bowed tendons and suspensory-ligament injuries "will benefit from the high ability of these boots to absorb high levels of energy if they are worn during their exercise and training activities."
Meanwhile, in neighboring Minnesota, researcher Kobluk used a videotape system designed for motion analysis to film five horses galloping at racing speeds on a high-speed treadmill. During their first trial, they ran bare-legged; for their second effort, they were outfitted with boots.
"We were looking at exactly what the leg was doing in three dimensions," Kobluk says. "Was it flexing more or less? Was there reduced range of motion? Those kinds of things." He found that the Sports Medicine Boots caused minimal gait alteration, but some horses exhibited a slightly reduced range of motion in the fetlock.
Perhaps Kobluk's most interesting observation, however, was that the horses invariably shifted their weight forward, onto their front legs, when exercised in the boots. This is not difficult to gauge, the researcher explains, because the hoof lands on the ground, the knee can be expected to be at a certain height. But, he reports, when the boots were applied, "the knee went just a little bit lower, indicating more weight in front. Now, if that happened at the end of the workout when they got tired, you could say the tendons are stretching excessively or the horses are getting fatigued. But these horses shifted their weight as soon as they started exercising. A horse will always put more weight on the limbs he feels more comfortable on. I'm assuming that the boot gives them such a level of comfort such that they'll put more weight up front."
Even with Crawford's and Kobluk's findings in hand, Scott says analysis of the Sports Medicine Boots will continue. In particular, he hopes that controlled studies at various racetracks across the country will yield solid data on the product's ability to prevent career ending injuries.
But at least one user has evidence enough. "I'm a dubious type, very doubting," Ian Miller says. " But I've got to say I'm a believer."
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Do Your Animals Talk Back?
As far as the horses go, well, Mister Monty is our little Gypsy Vanner guy and you can guess that he has an Irish lilt that sometimes sounds like a cross between a British/Spanish accent (I don't quite have the Irish thing down yet, even though my heritage dicates a lot of Irish blood in me. His answers to my questions are always highly intelligent. My mare Krissy, who I also call Princess (well, you can only guess what she might sound like and what a discussion with her might be. Basically she always wants to know where her "damn" cookies are). And now I have my 3 girls--Bronte, Mia, and Kaia and they have very young, sweet voices and they all answer their "mommy," in just the right tone. Yeah right. They're yearlings--and each one has their own, strong personality just like the human teenagers in my life.
I'm not sure why I do this with my animals--maybe it's for pure entertainment, maybe it's to drive my kids crazy (which it does seem to have that effect, however, I have caught each one of them trying to hide their laughter at this little game I play) or maybe I am off my rocker. It doesn't matter why I do this, I just do.
I'm curious though, does anyone else out there not only talk to their animals, but do your animals talk back, or at least do you talk back for them, saying what you think they might be saying back to you? I'd love to find out that I am not the only crazy animal person around.
Michele Scott
Professional's Choice
Vice President
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Post For Prizes Winner! Gayle Carline
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Get the Real Story
Professional's Choice is a company filled with a lot of history. We are a family owned and operated business. And, if you read last week's blog on how we got our start you can see how we've come a long way.
Over the years, I've heard various stories on how our products helped this or that horse or rider--even miracle stories. There's folklore and facts and of course plenty of exaggeration that comes along with any story. However, true facts--real history is always the best kind of story to tell. Did you know we were the first corporation to provide sponsorship to NRHA? How about the fact that we (no one else) created the Sports Medicine Boot that has allowed us to help more than 3,000,000 horses worldwide? Did you also know that we have conducted university studies on our boots and pads and print those studies that show the effectiveness of how they actually work? If you think a knock off product looks just like ours and you buy it because it's cheaper, all I have to say is do your research. There is not a leg care product out there that can do what The Original Professional's Choice Sports Medicine Boots do for your horse--support, protect and absorb up to 26% of negative hoof concussion that travels up the leg and throughout the musculoskeletal system of the horse.
I think equestrians love information. They love facts. They are always wanting to learn more, something new. Equestrians are information seekers who are passionate about their animals and their sport (be it English, western, competitive or for pleasure). Since we are a group of souls who want to be informed, I thought it might be fun and interesting to add a weekly post on "The Real Story." Getting the real story will be all about our products and how and why they work, horses who have had their lives improved or changed for the better, riders who have had their lives improved and changed for the better, etc.
If you have a story you would like to tell about along these lines, I'd love to hear from you!
Check in on Tuesday for "Our Weekly Blog Line-up." Here is a preview of things to come:
We will be posting on The Historical Horse. Getting the Real Story, Ask the Vet--Dr. Joleen Elston, Ask the Professionals (Al Dunning, Gina Miles, etc), and a few more fun items brewing. So keep coming back and checking the blog posts!
Have a wonderful long, holiday weekend. I, for one am looking forward to it. I am either insane or...yes insane, I am a horse lover, as I have taken on a huge project--3 yearling fillies. Therefore, I am really looking forward to the long weekend with my new girls.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Is a Horse Just a Horse? Or is Your Horse a Family Member?
Recently I was heart broken when given the news that my mare Krissy is a wobbler. Her diagnosis from the get go was difficult because for a year she would present lameness issues, yet we couldn't quite figure it all out until one day she was pretty ataxic and I knew right then that there was a real problem. There are some options with her, one includes surgery--but as far as I am concerned none of the options make a lot of sense. The one option that I have had a few people suggest to me is euthanizing her. To me, that is a horrifying thought. This is a horse who is all heart. She is kind, she is intelligent and she has a strong work ethic. She is family. I've had to wrap my brain around the fact that my dream horse is done with her job--at least her initial job. Trust me, I have cried, I have been completely frustrated and angry, and I have found myself in her stall asking her and God, or anyone who might answer me as to why? The answer I have settled on is that Krissy has a new job to do now. With her big heart, she provides me a place of respite at the end of a long day. I can talk to her and she listens (and she never talks back. I have 3 kids and they all have the ability to talk back). Is she expensive? Yes. Has it been an emotional toll? Yes. But is it worth it? Absolutely 100%. This horse is an animal that when I bought her, I made a comittment to her. And, just because the job I had intended for her hasn't worked out, her worth has not diminished in my eyes. I don't view her as a lawn ornament either. As I mentioned already, I view her as family. Call me a horse crazy nut...whatever...Krissy is a keeper and I've even found another job for her. She gets to try on any new Professional's Choice product design first. I have officially coined her as The Professional's Choice Super Model. Now if she could only bring in some super model type of pay check, we'd be even that much better.
The picture above is of her telling me a joke about the dumb cow who lives next door.
How about you? Do you view your horse(s) as family? If they couldn't do the job they were acquired to do, how would you handle it? I'd love to hear your thoughts and stories.
Michele Scott
Professional's Choice
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Employee Spotlight: Kristen Davison
Today on the blog, I want to introduce Kristen Davison. Kristen is our marketing coordinator here at Professional's Choice. She is an awesome employee and an excellent equestrienne. I can't say enough good things about this young woman. We are lucky to have her on board with us, as she always goes the extra mile without ever being asked. When she read over last week's blog about "The Historical Horse," (which if you haven't read and made a comment, you should because you will be automatically placed in a drawing to win some great stuff at the end of the month!), she wrote a response to it that was thoughtful and enjoyable. It also caused me to think that a weekly employee entry would be a good regular post to have. We have a lot of horse people working here at Professional's Choice and I think it would be fun to spotlight them!
I am sure you will enjoy Kristen's post:
This blog got me thinking not only about the history of horses but how horses have affected the history of me, Kristen Davison - Marketing Coordinator at Professional’s Choice. What kind of person would I have become if I had never fallen in love with horses? They have been such a big part of my life for so long that it’s hard to imagine another way.
I started taking lessons when I was 6 years old. After a few years and a lot of hard work I began catch-riding and helping my trainer “flip” ponies. In high school I moved up to schooling the clients’ horses and teaching the “up-down-ers” (we call them that because you feel like a broken record trying to teach them to post “up… down’). Then it was time to apply to college. I knew I wasn’t ready to give up riding, so I set my sights on a campus with an Equestrian Team. The essay question for the University of San Diego asked me to “Briefly explain how your unique background and interests will contribute to our community” – so naturally I wrote about horses… and I got in! I spent four years at USD riding for the Equestrian Team, where I met the coach who is now my trainer, and fell in love with her “project horse” who is now my “project horse”.
When it was time to graduate and begin looking for a job in the real world, I knew I may have to take a break from riding. After many hours of searching and a healthy dose of frustration – as anyone who recently looked for a job will attest to – I found a posting at an equine sports medicine company. In the end, it was my knowledge of horses that gave me an edge over the applicants and earned me a spot at Professional’s Choice.
Without horses I would have never made it to USD, never met my horse that is now my daily dose of therapy, and would not be sitting here at Professional’s Choice writing this blog to you… I would be a totally different person, living a totally different life. I am so thankful to my four-legged friends who have molded me and pushed me to grow into the person I am today.
Monday, May 17, 2010
The American Dream
I have been asked over the years how the company was started. I have to take credit for that. Well, sort of. You see, I fell in love with horses when I was about five-years-old and my parents bought a house with a little land on it where we could have horses. The neighbors across the street had a pony I would go over and ride, but that didn't satisfy me. I wanted my own horse. Lucky for me that my dad had grown up on a ranch and had always had horses as a kid, so he was pretty much on the same page as I was. I'm not sure how my mom felt about it, but she got on board soon enough, and Dad brought home this giant of a horse named Ivan. Ivan was a gentle giant. He was some kind of draft/Quarter thing. He was about 16. 3 and had a butt on him that was about as wide as a bus. I have no clue what Dad paid for this horse, but whatever it was, he proved to be worth a million dollars and then some. Ivan passed away when he was about thirty-years-old and he's buried on my parents' property under his tree. He taught so many people how to ride--kids and adults. He had to have been one of God's angels on this Earth because Ivan genuinely loved people and other animals.
So, Dad brings home Ivan, and for a week my little six-year-old brain is in over drive because all I want to do is get home from school and ride this horse, and all I want Dad to do is get home from work so that I can ride this horse. At the time, my dad was in the car industry and he worked extremely long hours. Finally, I guess Dad couldn't withstand my begging and pouting any longer, and he came home early to take me out on Ivan. We hadn't even had a chance to buy a saddle yet, so he puts a bareback pad on him and hikes me up on his back. He tells me, "Now we're gonna go out behind the houses there on that trail, and you're only to walk him." I nodded, my pony tail bobbing in the air (this was the days before the helmet was mandatory and en vogue--I can tell you that my dad had me wearing a helmet long before most kids and that had to do with one ornery pony I grew up with, which is a later blog story to come).
I did as I was instructed and took Ivan out on the trail at a walk. My dad had one of those little putt-putt motorbikes and he followed behind us on it. We get to the end of the trail and turn around and Dad says, "Okay, now this horse knows it's close to his dinner time and he also knows he's headed to the barn. You are not to go any faster than a walk."
I am sure that my response was, "Okay, Daddy." I'm just sure it was. However, it didn't go down quite like that. Within a couple of minutes Ivan was headed to the barn at full speed and Dad was in the dust. We went over a hill and down the hill, and I came off, landed on my butt in some sand. Ivan ran back to the barn, and Dad wiped out on his bike--big time. He broke his leg in several places.
Now, sometimes you can look at a broken leg and think, "This really sucks." However, my dad is one of those 'the glass is half full types,' and he was sitting out by the pool with his cast on trying to figure out how he could get into the pool without getting the cast wet. This set in motion a series of events. The short version is that Dad created a product called The Dri-Cast, and this neoprene cast protector allowed him to get into the water without getting the cast wet.
The cast came off, the product was developed along with a few more and then another light bulb moment occurred. Dad realized at the time there was nothing really great available to protect and support a horse's leg. He started talking to vets, trainers, any professional he could in the equestrian world and he came up with what he coined as the polo boot. It went from there. Since those early days, we've come a long way, but the focus remains the same--The Horse.
You never know how things are going to turn out. Who would have thought that a gentle giant (and he really was) headed to the barn with a pipsqueak of a kid falling off his back, causing a dad to break his leg and then invent a product would then one day turn into a company that is the market leader renowned for revolutionizing the equine industry. We've done it through not only diligent scientific research, but also through dreaming and tenacity. One thing I do know after watching my family build a company over three decades is that a lot of hard work and good people goes into it. Nothing comes easy, but when done with the right intentions, somehow (I believe) God puts His hand in it and stirs it a bit, and dreams become realities.
I'd love to hear about your dreams and how your horse(s) help them come true.
Michele Scott
Professional's Choice
Vice President
Friday, May 14, 2010
Why We Ride
The reason I bring this up is that I was lucky enough to be able to participate in an anthology project titled, "Why We Ride." This is a book of short stories written by women writers on the horses in their lives. My good friend Verna Dreisbach edited the book and Jane Smiley has written the foreward. The stories in the book are inspiring, fun and full of love for the horse. The book has already gone into a second printing and it was just released this month! I hope you will consider checking it out at your local library or picking up a copy at the bookstore. It is a book for horse people by horse people. For me, it gave me the opportunity to tell the story of of what growing up with horses was like and more than that it's about the adventures my friends and I had out on the trails with my Dad who was the leader of our little gang that we called "The Billy Dal Gang." My Dad started Professional's Choice, along with my Mom over 35 years ago, and the horses were the reason they started the company. As mentioned in my last post, it's always about the horse. However, my short story on The Billy Dal Gang is also about how much fun the horses provided us as little girls, and how my Dad taught us what it meant to care for, respect, and really love our animals.
Here is Libarary Journal's Review Of "Why We Ride"
Dreisbach writes that we choose a horse for many reasons, such as beauty, ability, what we see of ourselves reflected in the horse (or what we wish we were like). All 20-plus contributors to this collection--for example, Jane Ayres, Kara Gall, Michele Scott, and Jacqueline Winspear--believe that their horses taught them something about themselves and made them stronger, better people. If you're looking for a rational, objective reason as to why women ride, it will not be found in this book--all the contributors write of a passionate love and connection with the horse (sometimes in spite of being physically injured while riding), and most are impressed at being in control and/or partnering with such a beautiful, graceful, and powerful animal. VERDICT Animal lovers and readers of horse memoirs such as Susan Richards's Chosen by a Horse and Jane Smiley's A Year at the Races (Smiley here contributes a foreword) will enjoy this compilation. --Library Journal, May 1, 2010
As a sidenote, I'd really like to know from you, what are some of your favorite horse stories? They can be books, movies, TV Shows. And, don't forget to read this week's post on the Historical Horse. If you contribute on the comment page, you will automatically be eligible to win some cool stuff from professional's Choice in this month's drawing.
Have a wonderful weekend! Go hug your horse.
Michele Scott
Professional's Choice
Vice President
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
The Historical Horse
The other night some friends and I got on the topic of horses. Imagine that! And, after a couple of glasses of wine our conversation grew quite philosophical. We all agreed that without horses, we wouldn't be where we are today as a civilization and culture. The advancements that our equine partners have provided us with are in many ways a miracle and they are the footing (no pun intended) for thousands of major historical events. Wars have been waged on horseback, transportation for centuries was done via the horse which brought us mail which allowed us to communicate, helped us trade and wage in commodities--and on and on. Thinking about this gave me an idea!
I'd like to try something new on the blog as a weekly article and hope our readers will participate. I think it's important to chronicle the history of the horse and I believe that because of the fact that they are so much of the reason as to who we are as a society today--whether you have horses or don't have them, whether you adore them or can't stand them--the fact remains that this is true. So, I'm hoping you will help me--if you have a historical tidbit about a specific horse who helped shape our future or a group of horses (say in battle or via The Pony Express) e-mail me at and I will put a little time and effort into researching history and post about it. Anyone who comments with a story or tidbit will become eligible to win a Professional's Choice product in what I am calling the ProfChoice.blogspot monthly drawing!
The value of the horse is, well, invaluable. That's why our philosophy here at Professional's Choice is all about making the horse's life more comfortable, their careers lasting longer, and their lives easier. It is truly about the horse and giving back to him. If we were to take our focus off of that fact, we would be just another company making products that might make us money because they sell, but wouldn't achieve what we strive to do everyday be it in developing new products, improving core products, researching and turning that research into data to see if our theories work. It's why we have studies that back up the fact that our Sports Medicine Boots absorb on average 26 % of negative hoof concussion.
Bottom line--it is about the horse. It has to be. look at all they've done for us.
Now get out your history books and send me your stories!
Michele Scott
Professional's Choice
Vice President
Friday, April 16, 2010
Passion is what the equestrian industry is all about. You typically don't get involved with horses and the equestrian world without first having a deep love and passion for the animal. It doesn't matter what discipline you do, it's the way it is.
Maintaining our horses alone is an extremely costly venture, which people outside of the horse world can't understand why we do what we do and spend what we spend. All I can say is that when you pay your feed bill over your own grocery bill, you know you've got passion behind your decisions and a sense of responsibility, love, and care for your equine partner.
I've been around horse people all of my life, and not only are they passionate, but they are some of the bravest, compassionate, and most generous people in the world. Not to mention they tend to have a great sense of humor--I think if you don't have a sense of humor as a horseperson, you're going to wind up in trouble somewhere along the way because horses know how to make sure and play 'the joke on you,' game.
I love hearing stories about how people celebrate their horses.
Take Anissa who works in accounting here at Professional's Choice. She raises a handful of miniatures and has her old gelding who just celebrated his 32nd birthday. For his birthday, her family dressed him in a birthday hat and gave him an extra bucket of treats. My own trainer Terri plans to give her horse Pete next month when he turns 21 a Guinness mash. Yes--I suppose you could add to the list of what makes up a horse person--CRAZY. But crazy in a good way.
Oh and did I mention that most horse folks are quite opinionated--every one has an opinion it would seem, and every one thinks their opinion is the right one. I think most of us gently agree to disagree on many things in our opinionated world. However, the one thing I do believe we can all agree on is that we are all passionate individuals when it comes to the love of our horses.
We'd love to hear your stories and thoughts. In what way are you crazy, passionate, opinionated, etc for your horse(s)?
Have a great weekend.
Happy Trails!
Michele Scott
Friday, April 9, 2010
Talk to the Animals
I have a question for you...Has anyone ever used an equine communicator? I have actually had a gal "talk," with our pony Monty and it was a pretty amazing "discussion."
Monty came into our family about a year and a half ago. He was fabulous. For seven months Monty was fabulous. My daughter took lessons from a wonderful teacher who is also a dear friend, but who is also a school teacher, so when she had to go back to her day job, she let us know that she had to back off of lessons and working with Monty. She was still able to do a couple of days a week, but I knew that with Monty being a new guy with us and with my daughter being small and although she'd been riding for a few years--she needed that extra attention. There was another trainer where we were at, at the time and I had watched him with some of the kids and thought he was pretty good with them, so I approached him.
Long story short--pony didn't like this guy. It wasn't long after they started working together that Monty had his first bout of colic, then Monty began to colic about every 3 weeks. Then he started doing things like bolting with his kid, and acting like a nervous wreck inside his stall. I started scratching my head wondering what the heck had happened to our fabulous pony?!?
My gut began talking to me, and my gut was saying there's something really wrong here. Monty colicked again, and at that point my vet looked at me and said, "Get him out of here, change everything about his program, or you might lose him."
There is so much more to the story, but it would be about ten pages long, so this is the short version.
Needless to say, I called up Terri (where we'd gotten Monty from, and she'd told me if there was ever any issue to bring him back and we'd figure it out). I told her the problem and within twenty-four hours we had the horses at her place.
Monty and my mare Krissy have now been at Terri's for a year--and guess what? Not one colic, no silly pony shenanigans to really pique the fear factor for the kid or me.
So back to the equine communicator. This gal came to "talk" to the horses not long after we got up to Terri's. She had no prior knowledge of Monty and the issues. We told her we were concerned that Monty had had a tendency to get fast with his kid. That was it.
She wrapped her arms around the pony and after a few minutes looked at us and asked, "Who else rides him besides the little girl and Terri?" We said that I did and occasionally another working student (a young woman). The communicator said, "No. The man, who is the man?" She looked right at me and a shiver went down my spine. "You know who I'm talking about," she said. I nodded. "Yeah well, the pony doesn't like him and is afraid of him, and he has reasons to be." Now--there is still a lot more to this but for time sakes, I'll keep to the short version. Then she wrapped her arms back around him and asked all of us (my vet included here) to send him light and love and let him know how much he's loved. All of a sudden this lady begins sobbing. I mean--totally sobbing. We were all looking at each other... She apologized and explained that this happens about once a month with a horse. She told us that he had just let go of a ton of grief. That Monty never understood that he was anything more than a commodity. He never understood that he could be or was loved. Now maybe this sounds crazy to you, but this is what I can tell you happened afterward:
Up to this point Monty was never affectionate. He did his job but he never seemed happy. He didn't seem to care if his kid was there or not. He just did what he was supposed to do and that was that. The communicator told us to constantly talk to him and tell him how much he is loved and that he is now a part of a family and will always be a part of our family, because he had a fear that we weren't going to keep him. I did this with him for a week straight, and the most amazing thing happened after that week. I was in the barn with him by myself and I took him off the cross-ties, and removed his halter to put the bridle on. All of a sudden, Monty just placed his head right in my chest and stomach. He just stayed like this with me for at least a minute or longer. Then he very gently (not pushy at all) rubbed his face on me--it was like when a cat rubs on you, not when my silly mare pushes me all over the place. I scratched him between his ears and told him hown special he is. And I swear he sighed. It was like this moment of true understanding for him--as if--"I get it. I'm part of the family." Since that day, as soon as he sees his kid or me, he jogs on over, he lets out a little nicker, he paws on the ground until we make it over to him, and it's obvious he feels like he is loved.
Both Monty and his kid are thriving together. He has been off his ulcer meds for four months now. He's fat and happy (maybe a little too fat), and he's settled.
Now I don't know your feelings on people who communicate with animals but I have to say that I am a total believer. I really believe that the lady who came and talked to Monty helped him and us a great deal, and I am really grateful for that.
Call me crazy or tell me if you've ever had anyone "talk" to or with your horse(s), and if so, what was the experience like? What was the outcome?
Michele Scott
Vice President
Professional's Choice
Thursday, April 8, 2010
What Horse do for Us Humans
How about you--in what ways do you find that your horse(s) have enhanced your life? We would love to hear your horse stories, so please comment!
This is a photo of one of my best friends--my mare Krissy.
Michele Scott
Vice President
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Professional's Choice Works Hand in Hand with Dr. Joleen Elston
At Professional's Choice we are always working to find ways in making sure our products are the best out there for your horses. By having Dr. Elston on board with us, we will have the constant input of someone who lives her life working to better the lives of our equine partners, which is directly in line with our continual goals and philosophy.
In her own words, Dr. Elston states, “I am so excited to be working in conjunction with Professional’s Choice. I’ve used their products since I was about ten-years-old and rode with Pony Club. I’ve never stopped using their products and I recommend them to all of my clients. The Elite Sports Medicine Boots are not simply a rehabilitative leg care product. That’s a misnomer I find out in the field. These boots are simply by far the best preventative maintenance leg care system available. I don’t care what discipline you ride--be it for pleasure and trail riding, eventing, cutting, roping, etc—whatever you do, your horse needs to be in these boots. They prevent the injury before it happens.”
“I feel fortunate also to be involved with Professional’s Choice because it is a family business with core family values. Through fate, I met Michele Scott on New Year’s Day a few years ago on an emergency call when one of her horses colicked. Since then, Michele has been a client and I treat all of her horses. Through our friendship, she discovered I was a Professional’s Choice customer/huge fan and she inquired if I would have an interest in coming on board as the resident vet. Of course, I accepted. I look forward to working with the team, and also hearing from customers about their horses.”
Here’s a little info about Dr. Elston:
She is a native San Diegan with a lifelong passion for horses. She started riding before the age of five and acquired her first pony when she was eight. She hosts an impressive riding resume that includes accomplishments in the United States Pony Club, achieving her Silver and Bronze medals in the United States Dressage Federation and competing as an alternate on the Region 7 Young Riders Team. Dr. Elston has set her focus on dedicating her life to the equine performance world. Other organizations she’s participated in include the 4-H and Future Farmers of America.
In her teens Dr. Elston became a technician at a small animal hospital and moved on to a five year technician at the renowned San Luis Rey Equine Hospital. She completed her bachelor degree at Washington State in Biology and Zoology. She received her doctorate from Washington State University Veterinary School. Following her doctorate she accepted an internship position at the highly acclaimed Pioneer Equine Hospital in Oakdale, California. In 2007, Dr. Elston joined the practice of Large Animal Veterinary Associates in San Diego, California where she continues to practice. Dr. Elston has specific interest in lameness issues and performance horse medicine. She is a wonderful attribute to her community and we know she will be a wonderful attribute to Professional’s Choice!
Be sure to check back this Friday on the blog when we link to Stable Scoop on http://www., where both Dr. Elston and I discuss equine leg care and injury prevention. It’s a great talk and one you don’t want to miss.
Michele Scott
Vice President
Monday, April 5, 2010
Professional's Choice Welcomes Gina Miles

Celebrities have proven to us all too many times that fame and fortune do not always bring out the best in people. The pressure, the attention, the fans… living in the limelight brings with it a great amount of responsibility. Unfortunately, more often than not, these celebrities give in to the pressure and allow the fame to change their values.
Obviously, I think pretty highly of this lady, and so it really pleases me to announce that Gina has come on board with Professional’s Choice as an endorsee. We are working closely with her to develop some new products geared toward eventers. I’m super excited about this venture and can’t wait to share our new creations—and as with everything we create it’s always about the horse. At Professional’s Choice we don’t make a product just because it might look good or make a few bucks. We make products that we believe in, that are thoroughly researched and tested, that we truly feel will provide a more comfortable life for animals who give us all so very much.
Professional's Choice Sports Medicine Products
2025 Gillespie Way, Suite 106, El Cajon, CA 92020
1.800.331.9421 Toll Free