Horses provide us humans with so very much. They are our companions. They try hard to understand us. They usually want to please, and at the end of the day they bring a sense of peace into our lives. At least this has been my experience. I can remember being a kid who had a big space between my teeth, lots of freckels and to put it bluntly, I doubt anyone ever called me-cute. I was pretty scrawny and also shy, so friendships didn't come easily for me until I got older. However, I always had a friend in my pony Charlie. Charlie was on the ornery side. He enjoyed taking off with me. Bucking me off seemed to be a frequently decent idea to him as well, but off his back we were the best of friends. Over time, I learned to stay on his back and our friendship grew deeper. When I was upset, afraid or angry at other kids, myself, the world, parents, etc., my pony had my back. He listened. He was a good friend and I had him for fifteen years until he passed away at 30. He's buried at my parents' house along with all of the horses I grew up with--all of them my friends.

I now have a new group of equine friends, and at the end of a busy day, my favorite thing to do is to just go and spend a few minutes of quiet time with each one. I make my rounds with a handful of cookie treats for them. Each horse at the barn has its own unique personality. Every one of them provides respite for me. At the end of the day, after it's been busy at work, hopefully I get time to ride before I have to make dinner for my family, I take my timeout. I give each one a treat, a pat, a kiss and say, "Goodnight." I feel I owe them at least that much after all they do for me/us.
How about you--in what ways do you find that your horse(s) have enhanced your life? We would love to hear your horse stories, so please comment!
This is a photo of one of my best friends--my mare Krissy.
Michele Scott
Vice President
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